Meredith Palmer
Meredith Palmer works in Supplier Relations for Dunder Mifflin's regional Scranton Branch. Her duties focus mainly on working with all product suppliers to ensure a smooth product supply chain experience. Palmer served as the inspiration for Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race For the Cure after getting bitten by a bat in the office and was suspected of contracting rabies. She also was on the wrong end of a car accident when she was struck by Regional Manager Michael Scott's vehicle. The accident resulted in a broken pelvis.
An enthusiastic participant of the office's social activities, Palmer is a staunch advocate of “Casual Friday” and enjoys a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. Twice divorced, she is the mother to two children, a son named Jake and a daughter named Wendy.